The Cub Scout Glossary
Cub Scouting has a language all its own. Below are the definitions of many of the terms you will encounter in Cub Scouting.
To earn the rank badge, Wolf and Bear Scouts must complete achievements found in their Handbook.
Activity Badge
There are 20 activity badges that a Webelos Scout can earn. These are divided into five areas: Physical, Mental, Technology, Outdoor, and Community. A pin is awarded for completion of each activity badge.
Adult Partner
The adult member of a Tiger Cub team.
A leader; this may be the Cubmaster, parents, religious leaders, Den Leaders, or any other person providing leadership.
Arrow of Light
This is the highest award a boy can earn in Cub Scouting, and is also the only (non-religious) award from Cub Scouts that can be worn on a Boy Scout uniform.
Arrow Points
Arrow points are awarded to Wolf and Bear Scouts for completing electives beyond the achievements required to earn their rank badge. A Gold Arrow Point is awarded for the first ten electives completed; a Silver Arrow Point is awarded for each successive ten electives completed.
Bear Scout
These are generally third-grade Cub Scouts who work on activities in four areas: God, Country, Family, and Self. Of the 24 possible achievements, they must complete a prescribed amount from each area for a total of 12.
Blue & Gold Banquet
A birthday dinner for Scouting held by Cub Scout packs in February to celebrate the founding of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910 and Cub Scouting in 1930.
Every boy who joins Cub Scouts must first earn the Bobcat badge. In doing this, he learns the seven basic tenets of Cub Scouting: the Promise, the Law of the Pack, the sign, the handshake, the motto, the salute, and what Webelos means.
Boy Scout
A Boy Scout is between the ages of 11 and 18 and belongs to a Troop. He advances through the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle.
Boy Scouts of America
The Boy Scouts of America is a nationally-chartered organization that encompasses Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorer Units, Varsity Scouts, and Venturing Crews.
Chartered Organization
This is the organization that charters a unit and approves of all leaders. The Chartered Organization Representative serves on the Pack Committee. Pack 565 is currently self chartered and wanting to find an organization to be our Chartered Organization.
This is the group of adult volunteers who run the Pack. Any interested adult is welcome to attend Committee meetings.
Committee Chair
The primary leader of the Pack. The Committee Chair works with the Pack Committee, Cubmaster, and Chartered Organization Representative to plan the Pack program, recruit leaders, and maintain the budget.
The Council is an organization of professional Scouters that oversees all Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and other units in the area. Pack 164 is part of the Westchester-Putnam Council.
When Webelos Scouts become Boy Scouts.
Cub Scout
A Cub Scout is a member of the Boy Scouts of America in the first through fifth grade (or ages 6 to 11).
The Cubmaster is sometimes known as the unit leader of the Pack. The Cubmaster runs the Pack meetings, advises Den Leaders, and works with the Pack Committee to plan and run the Pack program.
The Den is a group of Cub Scouts who meet at regular intervals. Ideally, a Den consists of six to ten boys who are all working towards the same rank.
Den Chief
A Boy Scout, usually of First Class rank or higher, who serves as an assistant leader in a Den.
Den Leader
The adult volunteer who is in charge of planning and running den meetings.
Den Meeting
Individual Den Meetings are held for each rank level of Cub Scouts. These usually occur at regular intervals, such as weekly or bi-weekly. Wolf and Bear dens work on fun projects, crafts, skits, or some of their achievements. Webelos dens use this time to work on the various activity badges
A Cub Scout or Webelos Scout elected by his peers to help the den chief and den leader.
Each Council is divided into a number of Districts. Pack 164 is part of the Manitoga District. The District Executive oversees the activities of all units in the District.
Each level of Scouting has its own Handbook. The Handbook is essential for your Scout, as it spells out the requirements for advancement as well as providing a place to record their completion.
All of the Cub Scouts in our Dens and their families make up the Pack. The Pack usually meets once every month during the school year.
Pinewood Derby
A pack activity that involves making and racing model cars on a track. Pack 164 usually holds its Pinewood Derby in March.
Rank Badges
The rank badges for Cub Scouts are, in order, Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light.
A registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America who serves in a volunteer or professional capacity.
Tiger Cub
Tiger Cubs are first-grade boys who, with an adult partner, participate in five achievements, each consisting of a Family Activity, a Den Activity, and a Go See It.
Tiger Partner
The adult partner of a Tiger Cub, usually a family member. Tiger Partners accompany their Tiger Cubs to all Scouting events and activities.
12 Core Values
The 12 Core Values of Cub Scouting are citizenship, compassion, cooperation, courage, faith, health and fitness, honesty, perseverance, positive attitude, resourcefulness, respect, and responsibility.
The uniform is the prescribed clothing for any and all official Cub Scout events and activities.
Each individually chartered Pack, Troop, Post, Lodge, or Crew in the Boy Scouts of America is a unit.
Webelos means WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts. Webelos is both the singular and plural form.
Webelos Scout
These are fourth- and fifth-grade Cub Scouts who work on up to 20 activity badges in the den setting. These activities are designed to prepare the boys for the merit badge methodology used in Boy Scouts.
Wolf Cub
These are generally second-grade Cub Scouts who work on 12 achievements, mostly in the home setting. Arrow points are awarded for work done on a multitude of electives.
To earn the rank badge, Wolf and Bear Scouts must complete achievements found in their Handbook.
Activity Badge
There are 20 activity badges that a Webelos Scout can earn. These are divided into five areas: Physical, Mental, Technology, Outdoor, and Community. A pin is awarded for completion of each activity badge.
Adult Partner
The adult member of a Tiger Cub team.
A leader; this may be the Cubmaster, parents, religious leaders, Den Leaders, or any other person providing leadership.
Arrow of Light
This is the highest award a boy can earn in Cub Scouting, and is also the only (non-religious) award from Cub Scouts that can be worn on a Boy Scout uniform.
Arrow Points
Arrow points are awarded to Wolf and Bear Scouts for completing electives beyond the achievements required to earn their rank badge. A Gold Arrow Point is awarded for the first ten electives completed; a Silver Arrow Point is awarded for each successive ten electives completed.
Bear Scout
These are generally third-grade Cub Scouts who work on activities in four areas: God, Country, Family, and Self. Of the 24 possible achievements, they must complete a prescribed amount from each area for a total of 12.
Blue & Gold Banquet
A birthday dinner for Scouting held by Cub Scout packs in February to celebrate the founding of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910 and Cub Scouting in 1930.
Every boy who joins Cub Scouts must first earn the Bobcat badge. In doing this, he learns the seven basic tenets of Cub Scouting: the Promise, the Law of the Pack, the sign, the handshake, the motto, the salute, and what Webelos means.
Boy Scout
A Boy Scout is between the ages of 11 and 18 and belongs to a Troop. He advances through the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle.
Boy Scouts of America
The Boy Scouts of America is a nationally-chartered organization that encompasses Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorer Units, Varsity Scouts, and Venturing Crews.
Chartered Organization
This is the organization that charters a unit and approves of all leaders. The Chartered Organization Representative serves on the Pack Committee. Pack 565 is currently self chartered and wanting to find an organization to be our Chartered Organization.
This is the group of adult volunteers who run the Pack. Any interested adult is welcome to attend Committee meetings.
Committee Chair
The primary leader of the Pack. The Committee Chair works with the Pack Committee, Cubmaster, and Chartered Organization Representative to plan the Pack program, recruit leaders, and maintain the budget.
The Council is an organization of professional Scouters that oversees all Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and other units in the area. Pack 164 is part of the Westchester-Putnam Council.
When Webelos Scouts become Boy Scouts.
Cub Scout
A Cub Scout is a member of the Boy Scouts of America in the first through fifth grade (or ages 6 to 11).
The Cubmaster is sometimes known as the unit leader of the Pack. The Cubmaster runs the Pack meetings, advises Den Leaders, and works with the Pack Committee to plan and run the Pack program.
The Den is a group of Cub Scouts who meet at regular intervals. Ideally, a Den consists of six to ten boys who are all working towards the same rank.
Den Chief
A Boy Scout, usually of First Class rank or higher, who serves as an assistant leader in a Den.
Den Leader
The adult volunteer who is in charge of planning and running den meetings.
Den Meeting
Individual Den Meetings are held for each rank level of Cub Scouts. These usually occur at regular intervals, such as weekly or bi-weekly. Wolf and Bear dens work on fun projects, crafts, skits, or some of their achievements. Webelos dens use this time to work on the various activity badges
A Cub Scout or Webelos Scout elected by his peers to help the den chief and den leader.
Each Council is divided into a number of Districts. Pack 164 is part of the Manitoga District. The District Executive oversees the activities of all units in the District.
Each level of Scouting has its own Handbook. The Handbook is essential for your Scout, as it spells out the requirements for advancement as well as providing a place to record their completion.
All of the Cub Scouts in our Dens and their families make up the Pack. The Pack usually meets once every month during the school year.
Pinewood Derby
A pack activity that involves making and racing model cars on a track. Pack 164 usually holds its Pinewood Derby in March.
Rank Badges
The rank badges for Cub Scouts are, in order, Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light.
A registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America who serves in a volunteer or professional capacity.
Tiger Cub
Tiger Cubs are first-grade boys who, with an adult partner, participate in five achievements, each consisting of a Family Activity, a Den Activity, and a Go See It.
Tiger Partner
The adult partner of a Tiger Cub, usually a family member. Tiger Partners accompany their Tiger Cubs to all Scouting events and activities.
12 Core Values
The 12 Core Values of Cub Scouting are citizenship, compassion, cooperation, courage, faith, health and fitness, honesty, perseverance, positive attitude, resourcefulness, respect, and responsibility.
The uniform is the prescribed clothing for any and all official Cub Scout events and activities.
Each individually chartered Pack, Troop, Post, Lodge, or Crew in the Boy Scouts of America is a unit.
Webelos means WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts. Webelos is both the singular and plural form.
Webelos Scout
These are fourth- and fifth-grade Cub Scouts who work on up to 20 activity badges in the den setting. These activities are designed to prepare the boys for the merit badge methodology used in Boy Scouts.
Wolf Cub
These are generally second-grade Cub Scouts who work on 12 achievements, mostly in the home setting. Arrow points are awarded for work done on a multitude of electives.